Anxiety & Career Planning
“How can I make future plans when I feel so anxious?”
That’s a dilemma faced by many people. To make it worse, lack of career plans often increase anxiety, thus leading to a downward spiral.
Don’t slide into negativity. You’re better than that! Start taking realistic action now.
Here are helpful tips about how to turn your situation around leading to a happier, healthier and more successful life.
Towards the end of this blog are useful links and resources. First however, let’s check some simple strategies you can adopt to reduce anxiety while doing good things for yourself.
Schedule a daily time slot where you can relax and engage your brain with things you really enjoy.
For example:
- Take daily time out for exercise, walking, team games
- Get out and about in fresh air and sunshine. Time spent in the natural environment is healthy, relaxing and improves productivity
- Join a class for relaxation, yoga or meditation
- Stress reduction counselling or group work often produce great results
- Volunteer – there are virtually endless opportunities, people will love you for it, and it will make you feel good.
- Mediterranean diet helps keep body healthy and mind alert
- Reduce caffeine, alcohol, sugar – in large amounts, all are really bad for you
- Schedule daily ‘down time’ when ALL screens are switched off, even if it’s only half an hour
- Make sure you are getting adequate sleep. At least half an hour before going to bed, slow down, reduce stimulation to brain, switch off all screens
- Timetable with regular breaks from your work/studies, include moving away from your work area
- Find a trusting friend/family to discuss things that are worrying you.
- Start a career action plan. Use helpful, well-researched resources such as Career Voyage.
For more severe anxiety disorders you may also need to consult:
- your GP
- a clinical psychologist
- or in case of emergency check in to a hospital, call an ambulance, or dial 000.
Below are links to self-help programs, resources, and online forums
Please Note: The links in this section take you to third party websites. While we believe these resources and information will be of benefit to you, they are nevertheless external to JIIG-CAL and we have no control over their content. Thus JIIG-CAL makes no representations or warranties, and accepts no responsibility for the content or accuracy of information on these external sites.
Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10)
This is a free 10-item questionnaire giving an indication of distress based on questions about anxiety and depressive symptoms experienced in the most recent 4 week period.
The BRAVE Program
Offers a free online program for the prevention and treatment of anxiety in Australian children and young people aged 8–17 years, and their parents.
Kids Helpline – Anxiety
Website information about anxiety and related issues for young people. Includes telephone support.
Kids Helpline – Exam Stress
Tips to help cope with exams.
Head to Health
Contains around 376 mental health services and resources funded by the Australian Government.
Mental Health Online, National eTherapy Centre
Online Psychological Assessment (e-PASS) system – after receiving results, can choose free Self Help or Therapist Assisted Treatment Program. Each program is completed over 12 weeks, uses evidence-based treatment content, interactive online tools and activities and email therapy (Therapist Assisted Programs only). Limited to 18 +
A national online and telephone assessment and treatment service for adults with anxiety or depression. Supported by the Australian Government.
COPE (Centre of Perinatal excellence)
Online programs providing assistance via the internet or mobile phone applications for anxiety experienced during pregnancy or following the birth of a baby.
ReachOut Australia “WorryTime”
This free WorryTime app gives a place to store worries, and alerts you when it’s time to think about them. Research shows that postponing worries, only giving them attention at predetermined time helps control worries.
Government-owned, not-for-profit, offering free Australian online health advice and therapy for: anxiety, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, postnatal depression, depression. May not be suitable if you’re in crisis of not comfortable with technology.
Crisis support, suicide prevention
Mental health support, advice and action
Mental Health Toolkit helps you to learn new ways to deal with thoughts, feelings and behaviours that cause your trouble.
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