These Accreditation workshops are carefully designed for career practitioners.
The best career outcomes for clients/students are achieved through experienced and accredited career practitioners using high quality career software. The Accreditation workshops enable career practitioners to get the best out of the software for both themselves and their client groups.

Outcomes – on successful completion career practitioners will be able to:
- Effectively and efficiently assist those clients identified by the software as having concerns (eg they may be responding negatively, inconsistently, or possibly have chosen the “wrong” Level of education and training).
- Effectively use all the different Career Voyage reports.
- Explain the features and advantages of Career Voyage to colleagues and prospective clients.
- Get the best out of the secure login to Adviser mode, including client records management, software configuration, branding, reports generation, etc.
- Recognise which clients will benefit from the software, suitably introduce the system to them, provide an overview and explain expected outcomes. (Especially for young clients the software works best when it is embedded in a supportive career development program)
- Understand the system stages, processes, method of analysis and report generation.
- Use the flexibility and many features available in the Program, for the benefit of clients.
Online workshops are conducted flexibly over two weeks and can be undertaken virtually anytime. Courses are split into eight sections with specific submission requirements. The training is completed through a final Skype or phone discussion with your trainer. Following successful completion of all sessions, you will receive Accreditation from JIIG-CAL Australia to use and effectively administer the JIIG-CAL Australia’s career programs. An Accreditation Certificate will be emailed to you upon completion of workshop.
One day F2F workshops are conducted on a demand basis.
For more details contact us.
Online Workshop $230.00 per person.
25% discount for tertiary students,
20% discount for multiple attendees from your school/organisation.
F2F In House Workshop $290.00 per person (minimum 6 in major centres).
Other please contact us.